Bisexual backchannel … sharing the message


So many moons ago I decided to have a personal blog. There was a few sporadic posts but it never amounted to anything. I feel this was for two reasons:

  1. I am RIDICULOUSLY bad at maintaining anything for more than about 3 months at a time. Seriously, I aced a Tough Mudder half earlier this year with my twice a week gym habit……however I now have a full one in 4 weeks and I haven’t been to the gym since I got back from honeymoon. This is disappointingly standard.
  2. I didn’t really have a focus.

Now I’m hoping that by resolving problem number 2, I develop a better habit which in turn resolves problem number 1. So what is my focus?!

My personal twitter is very focused on the bisexual* community, with a sideline in mental health. Now for both of these there are some great Tweeps that I recommend as follows:

Bisexual Community:


Mental Health:


Queer Mental Health:


But I saw a tweet the other day about a bisexual culture panel happening in Glasgow. When I enquired about how to follow this event online, there was some enthusiasm but no way of me following the event.

Then I booked a ticket onto Stand By Me – an event by Mind launching their bisexuality & mental health resource (

And then I had a thought…


I’ve attended a few HR/L&D events where the backchannel on twitter and social media has been incredibly active. Through good use of hashtags and apps likes Periscope or Storify, it allows people not attending the event to follow along and share the message and highlights with a much larger audience. Maybe there is some room to do this with events on bisexuality?

I’m not sure whether this will work….but it’s going to be really interesting to give it a go.

Watch this space!

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